Varicose Vein Conditions

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The smart choice for varicose veins

With our partners at UK Vein Clinic, we focus only on procedures and technology that are clinically proven to have the best outcomes for our patients.

Driven by this evidence, our service is designed to give you the best results as efficiently as possible. All of our treatment includes our guarantee that the varicose veins we’ve treated will be closed successfully.

Book a Duplex Ultrasound Scan

Ultrasound is a non-invasive and painless process used to determine the cause of your varicose veins. Scanning the entirety of a vein from groin to ankle, it provides a full and accurate ‘map’ of your veins; and helps guide, plan, and monitor whatever treatment your vascular surgeon recommends.

Book an appointment

Choose world-class treatment at a price that works

  • Created by leading vascular surgeons, using the latest evidence and rigorous methods of care.
  • Minimally-invasive treatment using clinically proven technology: walk in and walk out the same day.
  • NO lasers or general anaesthetic needed.
  • Less post-op pain, less risk of infection, little or no scarring.
  • NO hidden charges or unnecessary costs.
  • Just one fair, fixed price for a result that’s guaranteed.

UK Vein Clinic care pathway?

  • Results and evidence matter. Our care pathways have been rigorously designed by Stephen Black and Dr Peter Finigan, to ground our whole process in the latest medical science, and gear everything we do towards delivering the best outcome for each patient.
  • To identify the source of your varicose veins and map their course, we start with a full duplex ultrasound of the legs.
  • The current clinical evidence (including this study published in the British Journal of Surgery) indicates that most varicose veins are best treated using specialist radiofrequency equipment. This technology means the procedure can be carried out under local anaesthetic, in a suitable clinical setting.
  • Because we guarantee a successful outcome to every varicose vein patient, we’ll conduct a second full duplex ultrasound 6 weeks after treatment, to ensure the veins we’ve treated are indeed closed.
  • For some residual varicose veins in the legs or feet, we might recommend the use of Foam Sclerotherapy. This involves using ultrasound to precisely guide the injection of foam to close the unhealthy vein. The foam causes the vein to collapse, before it is naturally absorbed back into the body.

Arranging an appointment is easy

Simply contact us for an appointment at your nearest Dr Newmans Clinic. Feel free to call us on 0203 002 2274 or email us at


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