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Facial Redness is a common problem here in the UK and can be caused by a number of different conditions. While it can be perfectly safe, it can leave people feeling self conscious.
Dr Newmans have ground-breaking procedures that can help with these conditions however first we would like to help our patients and the public understand more about what can cause facial redness.
Facial Redness is exactly as described. It is a red colouring of the visible skin on the head and face, which can be caused by conditions such as rosacea, rhinoplyma, keratosis pilaris rubra facia, or skin previously affected by aggressive acne.
Rosacea is a common skin condition that causes redness on the nose, cheeks, chin and forehead.
Although rosacea is common, it’s often misunderstood as there has been no definitive cause identified.Symptoms can include:
Rosacea is a relapsing condition, meaning it can go through periods which are worse than others.
There have been a number of causes suggested; (abnormalities in the facial blood vessels, reaction to microscopic mites) however none have ever been proven.
There are factors that can aggravate the condition. These include:
Rhinophyma is a condition that affects the nose. The condition is characterised by the nose becoming: enlarged, red, developing a bumpy surface, shape change such as becoming a more bulbous nose.
More rarely rhinophyma can cause swellings in other parts of the face such as ears or chin.
The condition is mainly seen in people who suffer from rosacea and normally only develops in rosacea that has been active for many years. However, it has been known for rhinophyma to develop in people who have not suffered from rosacea and can also occasionally be preceded by aggressive acne.
Although the changes caused by rhinophyma can become permanent, the majority of cases can be effectively treated.
Keratosis Pilaris is a common skin condition that shows up as small, hard bumps on the surface of the skin.
These bumps are usually light coloured, however can sometimes show up with redness and swelling. Keratosis pilaris rubra facia, is keratosis pilaris that affects the face, rubra facia being latin for red face.
Keratosis pilaris found on any area of the body is caused by a build up of Keratin; which is a protein that protects your skin from infections. Excess amounts of keratin block the opening of hair follicles, causing a bump to form.
Rosacea and Rhinophyma are often misunderstood to be cosmetic issues, when in reality they are medical issues. If you notice any signs of severe facial redness, then it’s always a good idea to consult an expert.
While there is no known cure for these conditions, symptoms of both can be managed.
At Dr Newmans Clinic, facial redness, including rosacea and rhinophyma, can be treated using our non-invasive treatments. Our London clinic now offers an enhanced skin analysis to treat these conditions as part of your thread vein treatment journey.
For more information or if you are concerned about your facial redness book a consultation with one of our doctors.
Simply contact us for an appointment at your nearest Dr Newmans Clinic. Feel free to call us on 0203 002 2274 or email us at clinic@drnc.co.uk
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