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Are thread veins preventable?

Are thread veins preventable?

September 24, 2015

Are thread veins preventable?

Thread veins and spider veins can be unavoidable for those of us prone to them. The veins can be genetic, or brought on by hormonal changes such as pregnancy, triggers that cannot be controlled. However, thread veins caused by other factors, such as sun exposure or alcohol, can be prevented to some degree. Dr Peter Finigan, Medical Director at Dr Newmans Clinic says, “Thread veins and spider veins can be triggered by certain lifestyles. Maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding excessive amounts of alcohol are two prevention methods, but there are a number of other daily steps you can take to avoid getting thread veins.”

Our hand-selected team of specialists at Dr Newmans Clinic recommend the following:


  • Try to keep fit and healthy – obesity has been identified as a cause of thread veins, as the undue pressure on small blood vessels can damage them. Maintaining the right weight and exercising regularly help to preserve a healthy vascular system, ensuring low blood pressure and healthy blood vessels.
  • Try and drink less alcohol – excessive consumption of alcohol causes blood vessels to dilate, and the weakening of collagen in your skin. This can cause veins to stay open, increasing your chances of developing thread veins.


  • Try to avoid standing or sitting still for too long as this decreases the risk of prolonged pressure to veins – a contributing factor to thread veins forming.
  • People with fair skin, who are therefore more susceptible to Rosacea, should try to avoid spicy food, alcohol or caffeine as they can aggravate the condition by provoking reddening of the skin through expanding blood vessels.
  • Try to avoid washing your face with very hot or very cold water. Extreme temperatures can cause the skin to flush, a common thread vein trigger.
  • Thread veins on the face often occur after prolonged exposure to sunlight or UV sunbeds – try to be careful about how much time do you spend in the sun, and protect your skin with a high SPF sun cream.

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